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Author Topic: AcrossLite timer  (Read 25118 times)


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AcrossLite timer
« on: April 14, 2009, 12:03:52 PM »

Hi all,

This is really a solving issue, but I hope someone here can help.

I recently got my first laptop (yes, I'm tech-slow) and am switching things over from my desktop.  I installed AcrossLite software from the website with no problem except there were no plug-ins such as the timer.

When I tried to get the timer plug-in APTimer.dll (which I brought over from my old computer and saved under AcrossLite) to open with the .puz files, I got a message saying it was corrupt or not a puz file. 

I know it's an application and I have to be careful.

TIA for any help,



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