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GAMES Specification Sheet


A Division of Kappa Publishing Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 184, Fort Washington, PA 19034
Tel. (215) 643-6385 / Fax (215) 628-3571


GAMES looks for crosswords with fresh, original themes and interesting (yet familiar) words and phrases that are clued in a lively, entertaining manner. We welcome queries on novel ideas for crosswords or crossword variations.


15x15, maximum word count 78, preferably fewer than 38 black squares. Payment: $50

17x17, maximum word count 98, preferably fewer than 50 black squares. Payment: $100

21x21, maximum word count 140, preferably fewer than 74 black squares. Payment: $200.

Note that these are general guidelines and that rules can be bent. We are not averse to using sizes other than those mentioned above, on occasion.

TRADITIONAL RULES: Crosswords should have an open, symmetric pattern with all-over interlock. There should be no unchecked letters, no two-letter words, and no words repeated in the grid.

Avoid contrived phrases such as "a banana" unless you can provide a context (i.e. a title, quote, or familiar saying). Avoid variant spellings and unfamiliar abbreviations such as "shd." for "should" or "FPC" for "fish protein concentrate." Brand names are fine, and topical, current entries like "J-Lo" are encouraged. If you are in doubt about the political correctness of an entry, err on the side of caution.

SUBMISSION: Send numbered, filled-in grid, and include your name and address as well as a suggested title. On clue pages, list each answer to the right of the clue. Address your entry to: Crossword Editor, Games Magazine, P.O. Box 184, Fort Washington PA 19034.

Electronic submissions in Crossword Compiler format are welcome. They should be directed to Jennifer Orehowsky (jorehowsky[AT]

For general queries, write to games[AT] We look forward to your imaginative creations!

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